Tuesday, June 28, 2011

comfest- since 1972

for those of you who do not know...
comfest is a community festival 
held annually in columbus ohio at goodale park.
its a three day festival that features local artists, musicians, 
businesses, food and fun.
leave nothing behind.

this was my first year attending and i must say it was overwhelming.  they expected over 10,000 people there on saturday which happens to be the day we attempted to go.  it was virtually impossible to get near shops and became a game of "how on earth do we get thru this crowd?"  mark managed to get a pulled pork sandwich but nothing to wash it down with and we decided it was time to escape!!

next year we will plan it out better and i'm sure ill enjoy the experience!  after all, i have always been a hippie at heart.

peace & love~

p.s.  these images were taken with my new 60D and edited with a new technique :) what do you think?


  1. They look frickin great britt! I do believe you ripped me off and should've taken some type of fancy picture of me though. Hahaha and i laugh about how you say it was hard for you to get through the crowds...imagine being me in my wheelchair!! I was there all day Friday and all day Saturday dealing with it! :-P Good times!

  2. haha yeah i can only imagine how it felt for you... i was harboring a lot of anxiety before i even go there saturday... that happens when you have hit a pedestrian while driving like i have... then your forced to drive through that kind of crowd. By the time we parked i was already wanting to go home... or have a drink... which was IMPOSSIBLE!! haha

    thanks :) glad you like them! and i know i wasn't thinking clearly cuz i should have gotten a photo with you. i'm still glad i got to see you :)
